Monday 25 April 2016

Thank You Andrew Garfield - Goodbye The Best Spider-Man

While Andrew Garfield(Amazing Spider Man) earned a lot of new fans thanks to his turn as the lead of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise, sadly he is one of the biggest losers in the brand new deal between Marvel Studios and Sony. With the wall-crawler heading to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the two companies have agreed to start fresh with a new face in the lead role, and that means Garfield is out. But how exactly did he hear the news? That story is now being reported. 

The Daily Beast has the scoop on exactly how the Marvel/Sony deal went down from Andrew Garfield's perspective, and you may be surprised to hear that he didn't just get a phone call telling him he was out. According to a source, there was apparently some talk at first about a way that could see The Social Network star "continue his involvement" with the new Marvel Cinematic Universe-direction that Spider-Man is taking. Ultimately, however, it was decided that it "didn't make sense" for Garfield to stay on and it was agreed that the parties would be splitting ways. 

In the time since the big announcement from Marvel Studios and Sony, we've heard a good amount of information regarding the new direction that the Spider-Man character will go in, and it does make sense that Andrew Garfield will be cut loose. After all, it is being planned that the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the webslinger will be very young, and the Amazing Spider-Man star will be turning 32 this year. If the idea is to have the wall-crawling superhero's age be a sharp contrast to the likes of Captain America and Thor, it would be helpful to get an actor who is not only one year younger than Chris Evans(Captain America) and almost exactly the same age as Chris Hemsworth(Thor). 

Leaving Andrew Garfield behind is the right move for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it is a shame that it has to happen. While The Amazing Spider-Man movies were built on a poor foundation narrative-wise, Garfield was one of the best elements in both films and really put his own twist on both the Peter Parker and Spider-Man characters. Basically, he deserved a lot better than the quality that the two blockbusters ended up having.

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